[orca-list] FLAG DAY: Python 3 Migration completed

Hey all.

I have just committed the rest of the changes needed for Orca's Python 3
migration. What this means for you:

* You need AT-SPI2 and friends from master.

* You need a pyatspi2 patch which has not yet been committed:

* When building pyatspi2, you will likely need to specify the
  Python version, e.g.

  PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.2 ./autogen.sh

  This is because for simple modules it is possible to do things in such
  a way as to be compatible between Python 2 and Python 3. Mike has done
  this. (No, this was not reasonably doable for Orca. Sorry.)

* If you want speech, you will need speech-dispatcher 0.8 which includes
  the Python 3 migration. Functionally, I believe that will mean you
  need speech-dispatcher from master.

* Braille support will similarly require BrlAPI for Python 3. Which,
  last time I checked doesn't exist. But back when I started this work,
  I gave everyone the heads-up that this is coming down the pike. So
  they know and I believe they will be tackling this soon. Checking into
  this is next on my list.

* Contracted braille will additionally require liblouis for Python 3. I
  believe that this work has been done already.

It would be extremely helpful if people who are able to test could test
so that we squash any bugs that may have resulted -- and do so with
plenty of time to spare before the next version of your favorite distro
comes out.

Thanks in advance. Take care.

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