Re: [orca-list] what distro for orca?

§Thanks to all answers.
I downloaded ubuntu 12.4 live cd, and it really works quite out of the box...
I must say I never tried Unity before so I am a bit lost in the interface and still have to learn where to find things.... Gnome was a bit more intuitive for me, but I suppose I will figure out unity too...
thanks for the help!
----- Original Message -----
To: orca ; orca
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2012 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] what distro for orca?

Hi Andrea,

Asking about which distribution of Linux is best is kind of like asking what flavor of ice cream is the best. You are likely to get a number of answers. However, I personally do think Ubuntu 12.04 is the best distribution currently for the following reasons.

1. The live CD install is fully accessible with Orca, and the Wubi install is handy for people who don't want to repartition their Windows drives just to try the OS out.

2. Ubuntu 12.04 has been excellent for keeping up with the latest changes in atspi2 and Orca. I've noticed that thanks to Luke updates seem to appear in the proposed repository with in a few days of official release so its a good way to keep up with bleeding edge accessibility updates.

3. Ubuntu 12.04 comes with Unity 2D which is probably the most accessible graphical environment currently, but gnome-shell 3.4.1 is also available from the software center meaning you can choose which you want.

4. Ubuntu 12.04 coms with qt-atspi out of the box which means if there are Qt apps you wish to test and use you'll find Ubuntu 12 is on top of Qt accessibility where some other other distributions haven't quite gotten around to including Qt accessibility yet, and if you want it you'll have to compile the Qt at-spi and perhaps update Qt itself from source just to get a reasonably accessible version of Qt based apps.

5. Finally, Ubuntu 12 comes with Orca and the Speakup screen reader is also included for those who want to use the shell environment.


On 6/1/2012 4:10 PM, Andrea Roveretto wrote:
Hello to all!
what would be the best choice for a pretty inexpert linux user to start with orca now?
Is ubuntu still the best choice?
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