Re: [orca-list] Possible toggling six dots and eight dots braille output?


Joanie, before I doing any bugreport or enhancement requests this problem related, I write my summary experiences to clear I detected right what the problem now for dot mode switch function for Orca related: Temporary I disabled following braille binding keystrokes my local Orca 3.1.2Pre version source code in src/orca/scripts/ file to look Orca pass Brltty the textstyle switch command eight dots or six dots mode command or not if Contraction tables related keystroke is not present:
            brailleBindings[braille.brlapi.KEY_CMD_SIXDOTS]   = \

After I recompile and restart Orca, I try press together help and info buttons my Alva Satelite 570Pro braille display, this keystroke switch text console the text style with eight dots and six dots text mode.
When I press this two keystrokes together, nothing happening. The text style doesn't change from eight dots to six dots mode in graphical session. Happening this because Orca doesn't pass this command with Brltty? Contracted braille is not enabled of course when I doed this test.

Little quote with Brltty reference manual:

Show characters using 6-dot, rather than 8-dot, braille. Dots 7 and 8 are still used by other features like cursor representation and highlighted character underlining. If a contraction table has been selected (see the -c command line option and the contraction-table configuration file directive), then it is used. This setting can also be changed with the Text Style preference.

Text Style

When displaying screen content (see the DISPMD command), show characters:


        With all eight dots.

With only dots 1 through 6. If a contraction table has been selected (see the -c command line option and the contraction-table configuration file directive), then it is used.

    This setting can also be changed with the SIXDOTS command."
I don't understand a think:
I setted text style preference with six dots mode with Brltty preferences (press my braille display the preferences button before I doing this), and of course saved the changed preferences. In text console, this is working default fine. Why owerwrite Orca this setting and restore the eight dots text style mode by default if contracted braille is not enabled? I no, Orca contracted braille function is a different function, because using Liblouis tables if contracted braille enabled, not Brltty tables.

So, my questions before I doing proper bugreports with proper components for Orca related: 1. Have a chance to possible future choose anyway the text style mode with Orca braille mode between six dots and eight dots mode without need creating two different braille table if Brltty the used braille output driver? Or, both two function possible choosing this mode? 2. If not, because technical not possible implementing this feature, and need creating two style tables for Brltty, have a chance to possible choose what table are want use the user, similar with Liblouis contraction tables? 3. How can possible working text style switch mode between eight dots and six dots modes if in Orca enabled the contracted braille feature, and Liblouis tables are used if possible implementing this function?


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