Re: [orca-list] gnome3 post-upgrade questions

The pcm-snd-oss module is for sound over the old depricated OSS (open
sound system) driver.  If you happen to use some media programs or
Cepstral speech, you would need to support OSS support but that can be
done through ALSA emulation.

Yes, you should look at using speech dispatcher.  there is a
speech-dispatcher package available in Arch but the
speech-dispatcher-git package from AUR supports the use of speechd in
a central environment and frankly, I found that method to be more
reliable than autospawning.  Sorry, this kind of talk probably might
be going over your head just now but speech dispatcher does have
several ways of running.  I use speech dispatcher all the time here
with no particular problems.  Just be careful with Pulse Audio now
that it is required for gnome 3.

On 5/12/11, aerospace1028 hotmail com <aerospace1028 hotmail com> wrote:

I managed to upgrade my archlinux system to gnome3 with orca.  Everything's
still speaking, but I have a couple of questions.

First, when pacman was installing pulseaudio, I noticed a message suggesting
disabling the snd-pcm-oss module.  Is there any major trade-off one way or
another?  I went ahead and added "!snd-pcm-oss" to my MODULES section of
rc.conf.  I don't actually know what this module does, could I expect any
performence/usability problems in the future because of this?

Second, I'm still using the default gnome-speech.  If I followed the string
of messages last month correctly, plans are to eventually depricate
gnome-speech.  Should I be looking into my alternatives?  Is my main option
speech-dispatcher?  if so, can anyone point me towards a good primer for
getting started with s-d?


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