Re: [orca-list] Gnome3, Orca and ArchLinux


Jason wrote:

What I have done in Gnome is create desktop launchers for the applications I
want, so I can type ctrl-alt-d, type the first character or two of the name of
the application and press enter. Sometimes, it's faster to run Gnome-terminal
and then start the application from the shell with suitable parameters on the
command line.

My reply:

I hear you there. I do the same thing most of the time. My desktop is
covered with icons for everything I use on a daily basis like Gedit,
Firefox, Movie Player, etc. I rarely venture into the menus since I've
got it all right there on the desktop. Even then if I want to launch
something that isn't on my desktop I'll use the run dialog or launch
it via terminal. The rest of the user interface rarely gets used.

All the same that doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing our best to make
Gnome 3 fully accessible. For instance, I have a friend who has used
Windows for years and now he is interested in Linux. Since Gnome 3 is
problematic I've had to start him out with Gnome 2 to break him into
Linux. Since he knows nothing about the commandline yet he has to use
all the panels, menus, etc that goes with the user interface. Its not
a good time for Gnome 3 to begin having access issues for new users
just coming from Windows. That will send them running back to Windows
in a hurry.


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