[orca-list] updating orga and another question

Hi all,


First,  I just rejoined this list after d9ownl9oading and  installing vinux 3.1.  I am liking it so far buut having trouble  the memory set just rite.  I have 2 gb of ram and have 1024 alicated to the vertuakl machine.  I want to be able to run programs  with having a l9ot of slugishnuss. 


Now ofcorse on to my question.  I ran an update yesterday and all seemed fine.  I was listening to the mp3 on live.gnome.org/orca and there seems to be a lot of commands to type in the turmanel.  I intend to go back and listen to again, but is there a step by step text version on how to do this someware on the site.  There didn't seem to be when I looked.  If it seems to be this simple, then I would need to find a text guide on how to do this.  Or if there is a way to do this ouside of the turminal then that would be great as well. 


Well I think that covers it for now as a new user.  I am sure  I will have more questions as I go along.  Oh yes one more thing.  After updating the repository and installing updates.  Is it nessory to run another dis command?  I think the command was something like apt-dist or something.  I forget the rest.  The jentelman who did the recording did this after doing the update.  Thanks agAin.






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