Re: [orca-list] Firefox 6 (with Aria improvements)

Steve Holmes <steve holmes88 gmail com> wrote:
and one big observation to me is that links and the tab key work
properly now.  All the time I was in my gmail accounts and the web
interface there of, I could always hit tab and the proper link was
tabbed to every time.  

Mozilla bug 546068 is still open however - maybe a change was made somewhere
that inadvertently improved this situation.
the edit boxes still don't work for me
however.  I can type in them but nothing is echoed by Orca; that
part seems to be unchanged to me.

That's unchanged for me as well, noting that the braille output works and has
always worked. For people who are primarily using speech, I'm sure this is a
real problem.

In general, I find that with Orca it is best to leave the speech running,
because unfortunately the braille interface isn't as good as it should be. For
example, while browsing a Javascript-intensive Web site earlier today, a
script inserted some text into a document which was announced immediately by
the speech, but the braille display was not updated. I can imagine
circumstances in which someone might want this behaviour, but I'm sure it
isn't intended.

Another serius problem is that one has to use the keyboard to move the caret
and interact with user interface controls, whereas it should be possible to do
this entirely from the controls of the braille display.

On the positive side, there are circumstances in which the braille gives
better results than speech currently does, as in the above Mozilla bug.

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