[orca-list] ORCA improvements

Hi to all,

        As I said in gnome-accessibility [1] we (emergya) are working on an interesting project to improve 
ORCA in some ways.

        Our targets for ORCA are:

        * Fix the most important bugs.
        * Saving and loading of user shortcut profiles.
        * Integration with other text-to-speech engines like voxin.

        If anyone is working on any of these features or is interested in give feedback would be nice to hear 
from you.

        For tracking our work with this and generate diff in easy way we did a git clone of orca repository 
on gitorious [2]. Feel free to join. 

[1]: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-accessibility-list/2010-May/msg00043.html
[2]: http://gitorious.org/orca-mirror

Best regards,
Alejandro Leiva
Área de Proyectos

Emergya Consultoría
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73

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