Re: [orca-list] Can someone look into this possible bug for me?

Hey all:

I tried and no crashes
There is however one difference, I am running firefox 3.5.9.

Yeah, I tried with 3.5.8 and was fine; 3.6.5 hanged. When I viewed the
hierarchy with Accerciser, 3.5.8 had no dead accessibles. But with
3.6.5, I saw a dead accessible which turned into a non-dead accessible
before my eyes (that's a new one). This was just past the 'user name:'
entry. So this is indeed another instance of the Infamous Zombie
Accessible Mozilla bug [1] which we're tracking via this GNOME bug [2].

I'll see if I can add a few checks in Orca to stop the hang without
negatively impacting performance across the board (which is in danger of
happening if we have to check every last accessible object from Gecko
every single time we are about perform an operation on it just on the
off-chance it might be dead).

Feel free to add yourself to the CC list of the Mozilla bug [1] and
voice your support for it being addressed. Like I've said (and said and
said), the bug has been open for over two years. A lot of problems could
be solved, including this other "blocked" bug [3], if the Mozilla guys
would fix this problem.



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