Re: [orca-list] Twitter: Curious of your pkg preferences

Hi Chris!

I find the feature set of twitux a bit limited, but the display is very accessible. FYI, you do not have to compose replies as you describe below. It's enough to hit 'space' on the tweet to which you want to reply. Your cursor will be placed at the end of the line in a new tweet box, with the '@user:' already filled in. When done composing any tweet, use 'alt+s' to send.

On 06/08/2010 01:04 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
What're people using for Twitter out there? Frankly, I use Twitux, and o, my, God! In my opinion personally, this has gotta be probably the best Twitter Client I ever! have seen for the Gnome desktop. The only? thing, I don't like about it is there isn't that I've found, a way to reply publicly to one of your followers. You can DM them, but you can't reply. The only way is to find their tweet, then using your flat review, see how to spell their user name, then hit ctrl n to do a new tweet, and in the edit box, manually type in: @user name: then your reply. Kind of annoying, but aside that, it works fantastically. Yall should try it if you've been wanting to try a client aside what Ubuntu has built in, which btw, I never could get to work.

sudo aptitude install twitux

It'll be under you internet aps in your applications menu in your panel.

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