Re: [orca-list] Fwd: a11y stack change

Agreed; testing, debugging, etc. would be helpful. The bugzilla for at-spi2 is on

As far as that bug goes, I suspect that it is one of those intermittent bugs that will be hard to track down. Matthias mentioned it in #a11y, and I have not seen it, so I asked him to create a log using dbus-monitor, so he restarted Firefox and meant to create a log but could no longer reproduce the bug. There are also other issues with Firefox (flat review sometimes does not work; I'm trying to track this down).

On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, Michael Whapples wrote:

while at the moment I am not really intending to switch to fedora I am still on the dekstop development list 
and received the following message regarding switching to dbus

It raises an interesting bug about firefox when accessibility is enabled. I don't know if anyone here has a 
clue what the problem is. Also as fedora have made the move to
the dbus at-spi, its probably going to be more importnat to find and iron out some of the bugs with such a 
switch. As we all are interested parties in this (as dbus at-spi
will eventually come to all distributions), may be we can help out (at least by testing and finding problems).

Michael Whapples

-------- Original Message --------
a11y stack change
Wed, 02 Jun 2010 12:24:25 -0400
Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Discussions about development for the Fedora desktop <desktop lists fedoraproject org>
fedora-desktop-list redhat com, fedora-devel-list redhat com

Just a heads-up:

As part of the ongoing march towards GNOME3, I have switched the
accessibility stack to default to the dbus stack
(at-spi2-core/at-spi2-atk/pyatspi) instead of the Corba stack (at-spi).

Some initial testing shows that orca and caribou seem to work ok. One
issue that I've noticed so far is that firefox is unwilling to pop up
menus when accessibility is turned on. I am working with the
aeccessibility team upstream to resolve this and other issues that will
no doubt pop up.

If you notice problems that look like they might be related to this
change, please let me know.


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