[orca-list] Various bugs in orca 2.30 (testing Debian package)


I want to promote Linux as accessibility
solution. But orca 2.22 (stable current lenny Debian package) has
limitations, in particular on the Internet.
So I wanted to test orca 2.30 (2 years newer) to see improvements. But
upgrading to testing is really impossible (I tried virtualising and the
result is ... bad: upgrading stops because errors...).

So I tried something I do when few dependencies are involved: this line
in sources.list:
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian squeeze main non-free

Then aptitude install gnome-orca. As few packages (dependencies) are
involved, I upgraded. And so.......

I'm pleased to see No I can enter A on braille keyboard without crash
(bug I had reported). Then pidgin seems to be supported better. And so
on. 2 problems: one "minor", one major (Web category).
Minor: in preference dialog, all tabs are not visible (general and
speech are not visible, braille, shortcuts, magnifier are; some
checkboxes are not visible (their contents). Thus, when dialog appears,
braille display stays blank instead of displaying "General". If I go top
right, nothing whereas "Speech" should appear. Same problem for some

Major: I have an enormous problem with iceweasel 3.5.10-1~bpo50++1.
Firstly, to go to this page:

https://www.labanquepostale.fr/index/particuliers/banque_en_ligne/clavier_statique.html go to "Accès à vos 
comptes par l'écran de connexion", then there's a form: an identification number, then a speech keyboard 
(click on Activer la vocalisation). Tab makes the different numbers speak (0 to 9). Then a "Remettre à zéro" 
button, and VALIDER (you can test without accounts, only to check if button works). VALIDER is the most 
important: orca 2.28 sees it (I can click on the button (Enter/Space); 2.30 no. Impossible to enable it via 
Enter or Space. So I can't test more orca.

Secondly, h shortcut works on wikipedia and not

On google, orca+tab doesn't work (and it's useful to go to every form
(fields, checkbox, list..., instead of one shortcut per object), whereas
on wikipedia, it works. h
doesn't work on google (1, 2, 3, 4... shortcuts don't work). Shortcuts
work in random way so, depending on website.

- Is it because I use a testing package in a lenny environment?
- Can you reproduce such bugs(2 categories I mentioned).
- Is a solution planned?

Is you can't I think I'll keep orca 2.22.2 I use now, which works fine,
except the A problem and some problems (minor) with pidgin.

Thanks for your answers.


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