[orca-list] Another/new patch which needs testing love (was Re: System Voice patch needs your testing)

Hey all.

Thanks so much to everyone who did all the testing! I will look at the
cases Paul and Steve identified where the new system voice is not
kicking in as expected. In the meantime, due to UI freeze which is
today, <sighs> I have gone ahead and committed the changes to master
given that the fix seems 95% correct and 100% stable. <smile>

I'm afraid I've got one more along the same lines which really needs
testing love, namely the fix for bug 520595 ('Orca is far too "chatty"
for persons with learning disabilities'). I keep waiting for the day
when the LD community implements their own solutions. But that keeps
failing to occur. And Orca is that talking software, so, ya know....
like, it's our bug. <snarky smile>

In this particular case, however, now that we have a System Voice, we
can solve this problem for users with learning disabilities. Basically,
they don't want to hear anything that is in the System Voice because
it's not words displayed on the screen for which they could use
assistance. Easy enough, right? So that's what the fix for bug 520595
does, along with provides a GUI by which users can enable this option
should they so choose.

I've tested it quite a bit whilst waiting for feedback on the System
Voice. I've also regression tested it. It works for me, both enabled and
disabled. What is most important in terms of immediate testing by this
community is to ensure that nothing has changed or is broken when this
new feature is *not* enabled. i.e. y'all should not notice a difference,
other than the rearrangement of some of the checkboxes on the Speech
page. If you do notice a change, then I screwed up and would really like
to be informed. <smile>

The current patch can be found here:

If you all could give it a spin so that we can hopefully get it into
master in time for UI freeze, that would be beyond awesome.

Thanks in advance!

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