[orca-list] problems with orca on login, and few questions

Hey people!

I have few problems and questions related to the orca screenreader and gnome-speech.
First question is, does espeak-synthesis-driver have bugs causing it to segfault very often? it did it in 
gnome 2.26 and 2.24 so i am not sure.
And problems:
First thing is, is it normal that in gdm-2.28, accessibility icon in the greeter doesn't get displayed when 
restart buttons are disabled?
And orca question:
I have orca-2.30.2. problem was found on orca-2.28 too:
I used gconf to configure gdm to launch orca and ran gdm as i wanted, adding it to the audio group before.
Gdm started up, orca started talking.
All review keys worked okay.
But, when i pressed tab key, orca started to echo the key and sudenly interrupted.
And, from this point, it didn't say anything, and screen review functions didn't work.
But, orca didn't crash, i'm sure of this because when i stopped gdm, orca sait "goodbye" to me, like it 
worked normally.
But, it didn't, as i sait, review keys stopped working when i pressed the tab key.
What/where is the problem?
Some info: if i pressed enter to continue logging in, it continued talking normally.
But it always stopped after pressing tab, also when i started the login dialog with the username field.
Where is the problem?

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