Re: [orca-list] voice profiles?

Jacob Schmude napsal(a):
Hi all
The talk about the say all voice got me thinking of another feature I
would really like to see: voice profiles like in jaws 10 and later. This
would be nice for reading content in other languages, you could assign a
hotkey to switch profiles and could have your parameter set up for each
language you use. It wouldn't just store the tts engine and voice, but
the rate, pitch, and volume associated with it and probably for all
three (maybe four if the say all voice is implemented) voice types if
their parameters are different from the default voice. This really would
make it easier to deal with reading multiple languages.


Hi Jacob,

As in many situations it would be possible to switch languages automatically based on
the information received from AT-SPI, you would also need to define which profile is the
default for each of the languages you use, so that Orca knows which profile to choose
when a language is to be switched.  Otherwise your suggestion is compatible with my
former proposal for language switching (see my mail form 2010-02-08 15:18, "Re:
[orca-list] Orca: how to change voice dynamically").  Actually your suggestion is
better, because language profiles have wider use than just for language switching.

Best regards, Tomas

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