Re: [orca-list] Been Really Quiet Lately

Joanmarie Diggs <joanmarie diggs gmail com> wrote:
Yeah, right now the goal to make sure that the modules Orca provides
access to remain usable for Orca users. In that spirit:

My contributions have temporarily shifted to WebKitGtk accessibility
because it's already been accepted as an external dependency. Given that
Yelp (and other GNOME modules) will be using WebKit instead of Gecko, we
need it to expose the RightStuff(tm) to Orca. Right now it's not. But
it's getting there....

Thank you for working on this. There are already several Web browsers based on
WebKit, with more on the way, for example Chromium.

For these to become feasible options, WebKit accessibility with ATK/AT-SPI is

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