Re: [orca-list] buffering

I would just like to add one important tip.

While certain seasoned practices sound very stable and have the tag of
being "well tested and experienced ", we must always welcome ideas which
sound better  but go against that long tradition.
Orca, we all know gets feedback from the best brains which any talking
software can really get.
This implies that the most stupid and the smartest person has equal say.
Some times it happens that a so called stupid is not really so and her/
his idea may have not even clicked to we smart hackers and that's where
different approaches to solve the problem at hand comes up.

I don't want to go in the debait of wether buffered approach is better
or non-buffered approach, but what ever the orca team decided has
yielded great results and I believe it also directly reflects on how
well a web page is designed with accessibility in mind.

I can just say that wili and the rest of the team has been as best as
they could be and the decisions on the approaches have not been just the
decisions of the "orca development team ", but the entire community
excluding some few exceptions.

happy hacking.

On Mon, 2009-03-30 at 13:55 -0400, Willie Walker wrote:
Anyway I feel sometimes these one approach vs another approach arguments 
aren't always productive.


else. As a user I want orca (or what ever screen reader I use) to help 
me do what I want to do, not just blindly follow what other screen 
readers do. Equally we shouldn't just reject a solution to a user 
requirement because it exists elsewhere. The only thing which really 
matters is how well it fits the need.

Agreed.  Many thanks, Michael.

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