Re: [orca-list] Problems with Skype

Hi james, I have noticed that skype works with alsa only at least in my case. I have used skype successfully on hardy as well as intrepid. you can try one thing here. go to the account preferences of pidgin i.e pidgin skype account. move to the advanced tab and select no proxy in the appropriate combo box. while you are creating the skype account in pidgin and as soon as you hit enter on save you should get the skype api dialogue asking you to confirm the use of the pidgin plugin.
try these things and tell us if it works.

On 01/26/2009 02:25 AM, James & Nash wrote:
Hi folks,
Okay, I'm having some real problems with Skype and Pidgin. I followed the instructions on the work around page. After having installed Skype, I copied the shared library to /usr/lib/purple-2 but Skype did not appear in the list of availible accounts in Pidgin. I found I had to install the skype4pidgin.deb package and then Skype appeared in the list along with something called Skype D Bus. I removed and re-installed Pidgin to the latest version which i think is 2.5.3, but I am still getting the problem where Pidgin crashes when I try to navigate the table of contacts.
What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be appreciated pleased. Not being able to use Skype would be a major road block in my moving over to Linux.
PS - My dad did the sighted bit of clicking the button
Thank you for any and all help

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