[orca-list] an application that works with orca

i may be able to help someone else for a change by suggesting an application that works with orca. i asked on this list a while ago about an accessible application for copying videos to dvd and i have now found one that works with orca although as far as i know i am not aware if this has also been packaged for opensolaris. i had to go back to ubuntu because i needed some software and codecs for playing and burning videos because my sister coppied a file from a a usb stick of myself swimming with a dolphin in mexico which i wanted to show a sighted friend.
the application is devede or de-ve-de.
i have had no problems with the features i have used on this app and maybe someone else could test it and maybe give better details on its accessibility than i can so i hope this helps someone else on the orca or other blind linux mailing list.

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