Re: [orca-list] started a new wiki for orca documentation

Hi Krishnakant:

Thanks for your efforts.

Can you tell me more about how you'd like this to complement the
existing WIKI at as well as the existing
documentation at

I'm somewhat curious about the need for a whole new separate WIKI, in



On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 19:09 +0530, Krishnakant wrote:
hello all,
I have found a very good wiki host and started a wiki for orca.
I want to make this the biggest collaborative documentation of orca,
We can then finalise the best pages and put on the official orca web
please visit

Please help me make this wiki and then we can discuss together how to
take the best contributions to the main wiki of orca on
I am now ready with 2 orca manuals and would like to finally upload them
to an accessible place while the 3rd one is coming up soon.
The first audio tutorial is an overview of orca itself.
The second is a walkthrough of ubuntu installation which I did live with
a few blind users listening.
This gives us some instant feedback which made me change a few things
here and there.
I am making a third one on the gnome desktop overview which will include
creating and saving files and folders and understanding the desktop and
menus etc.
I will then make some more specific ones like office, firefox and then
While the specific audio tutorials for these applications are due, the
first 3 are ready except that I have to edit the 3rd one.
happy hacking.

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