Re: [orca-list] wondering how good is orca with audacity?

There's someone on the list who has been trying to get Audacity working.
My recollection is that some of the menus speak, etc., but functionality
isn't really there. Perhaps they will speak up with more details. I do
not consider Audacity accessible, and it would not be my choice of
applications to try and make accessible.

Please look at Ardour2:

It already has a lot in the way of keyboard shortcuts. It's gtk2 based,
but loaded with custom widgets. Perhaps it could be scripted. If so, it
would be a major win for us. Ardour is a DigitDesign and Sonar competitor, and a
very capable one, from all accounts.

All the other open tools--Rosegarden, Muse--are KDE based, so even
further out of reach at this time, I'm afraid.


Krishnakant Mane writes:
hello hackers.
I am wondering how well orca works with audacity?
can any one give me some information on the status of audacity accessibility?
there is a blind friend of mine who is starting a small sound editing
studio and I don't want to promote any proprietory software, specialy
if the free alternative is there.
as a side note, wili, you were suggesting me on a previous thread to
look at scripting some easier applications to start with.  can
audacity be the one?
I am willing (pun intended *smile*) to learn any thing for this.
and if orca is already scripted, can some one already experienced
please tell me how I can use audacity with orca?
I have done sound editing myself long back and used sited assistant
but i am very clear with the concepts.
happy hacking.
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Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;        sip:janina a11y org
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