Re: [orca-list] Evince accessibility (was Re: sayAll command not working in adobe reader)

well, if that's the case then some one from the evince development
team could do it.
but will it be sufficient enough?

A good implementation would be a good thing.  :-)

secondly, since this topic has come up again, Please can some one
provide a checklist of "to be known things " for scripting the
following in orca?
1, mozilla firefox.
3, audacity?

We try to keep track of all the things that need to be done, which includes bugs and feature enhancement requests, in Bugzilla: contains information on how we organize the work.

what particular things would need understanding in all the above
softwares?  and if I for example decide to start reading the orca
scripts for openoffice writer and calc, what should I know in advance
even before touching these scripts?

The docs are out of date, but available under the docs/doc-set directory in SVN. The internals documentation is in two files: internals.pdf and internals.html. As I mention, they are out of date (we've been too busy working on the long list of things everyone wants us to do), but they are kind of worth a read. I hope to update them before the 2.24 release.

After that, you should become familiar with the AT-SPI -- it is Orca's view into the application. For me, the best thing was to read the AT-SPI IDL -

Also, playing around with accerciser can give you an idea of how the AT-SPI works.

From there, the rest is left to experimentation and hands on work. Use the orca debug facility gratuitously, look at other scripts, etc. I wish there was a "for this bug, write these lines of code" guide, but each bug and feature tends to be unique. :-(

Hope this helps,


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