[orca-list] Orca not speech with Intrepid Ibex Alpha4 release

Dear List!

I downloaded Alpha4 release of Intrepid Ibex. When cd spinning up, selected english language and pressed enter key. After this, choosed accessibility menu with f5 key, and choosed screen reader menu item and pressed enter key. Selected the first menu item (booting the live cd). The gnome-orca screenreader is not speech, and login sound not played automaticaly. Orca preferences window displaying the screen.

when I tryed launch Orca with orca -t command with gnome-terminal, could'nt found speech server. I see this problem with Alpha3 release, and the problem not solved with Alpha4 release version. Another sounds work correct (play music, movies etc).

This bug is critical with accessibility. Can you see this problem? How can I solve this problem? I filled bugreport with launchpad:



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