Re: [orca-list] Getting Rid of the Capitals

am Mi 09. Apr 2008 um 15:43:35 schrieb Steve Holmes <steve holmesgrown com>:
I know we had a long talk on the list a while back concerning the
capitals every time you read a single character that is upper case
while using the review keys.  What I can't remember if there is any
way to change this annoying behavior.  I would just soon have it do a
pitch change like it does when you arrow over the same letters in a
text buffer with the normal arrow keys.  I'm using speech dispatcher
with espeak and at the moment, capitalization is set to "None" in

I have both in Orca and SD.

I experimented with the pitch rise option in the espeak
module config for dispatcher but that didn't correct the problem
either.  It did cause a different pattern which I backed off from; it
raised the pitch of capitalized words but that isn't quite what I'm
after here.  

That's due to the behavior of SD, ruled in the espeak.conf file. I don't 
like this too, since we have different rules for capital spelling in 
Germany: We have more word written with capital letters, so you hear a 
true audiocomic while reading :-(

From what I see so far, it sounds like the speech
dispatcher backend is doing this capital verbalization.  Am I right?

I think there are two problems: The higher pitch comes from SD, but the 
announcement "capital" seems to be implemented in Espeak. Which version of 
Espeak do you use?

If I have to, I could get in and hack the program to do otherwise.

One thing I know for sure, with speech dispatcher set to "None", it
couldn't be dispatcher that is saying "Capital" every time I read a
capital letter.
Do you hear "capital" when have set SD so? If so, it must come from Espeak.

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