Re: [orca-list] tried to change parameters for sd and orca crashed.

"kM" == krishnakant Mane <researchbase gmail com> writes:

    kM> hello, as suggested I added the line for changing punctuation. I
    kM> added punctuationmode=-k and saved the conf file. but now orca
    kM> fails to start while using sd. by the way, I added mkdir and
    kM> chown lines in /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher as suggested on
    kM> this list. now the problem with sd is very strange for startup.
    kM> when I execute sudo /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher start, it says
    kM> can't create directory /var/run/speech-dispatcher, directory
    kM> already exists. and the same problem of "can't start
    kM> speech-dispatcher, can't create pid file, wrong permissions".
    kM> now please suggest me what are other possibilities.

it is necessary be careful. 

1. If you start speech dispatcher with /etc/init.dspeech-dispatcher
script then speech dispatcher runs under user and group which are define
in this script. Should be speech dispatcher and audio.

2. If you start speech dispatcher from bash simply with command speech
dispatcher then speech dispatcher runs under user and group which
response your login.

If you form example try run speech dispatcher from bash as root then can
be changed the permissions in /var/run and in log directory. That can
bring problems form current SD starting with speech dispatcher script. On this
account I suggest you start SD trough /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher
script only. Before you must check if the rights in SD directories if are
correct, that means: owner speech dispatcher group audio.

3. The punctuation problem with espeak generic driver is separate
problem. If you something change in SD configuration and then you reload
or restart SD check if SD works with spd-say client for example. If it
nothing it does then is necessary check log files in
/var/log/speech-dispatcher directory. Don't forget to change log level
minimal to 3 in speechd.conf file. 

4. After any changes in SD config files you need reload or restart SD
with script in /etc/init.d/

As I said before the speech process or accessibility interface is very
complicate and it is not easy explain simply and fast all what is
important. Consequently it is important be careful and patient. 

Thanks for understanding


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
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