Re: Orca Access bridge for Java undr Linux?

hermann wrote:

Hi Hermann,

Instructions for installing the Java Access Bridge for Gnome are here:

Please let me know if you have any problems, and we and work through them. It is important to remember that the bridge needs to be installed on every J2SE or J2RE that is installed on your system. There are two files that need to be copied (or linked to) after you run the installation procedures described in the link above. The shell environment variable "$JAVA_HOME" is the top-level directory where J2SE or J2RE is installed.

On J2SE, the files are:


On J2RE, the files do not have "jre" in the path:


Best regards,

in order to fix some problems with the latest Firevox, I've to install
the Free-TTS speech, which needs the Java runtime environment.
I installed JRE, but can't acces the installer for Free-TTS. A dialog
opens, and Orca reports "inaccessible". It's not possible to run the
installer in text mode.
When I enter:
java -jar freetts.jar
I get the message that there's no graphical display.
For Windows there's a tool named Access Bridge, which is necessary to
make JRE accessible for screen readers.
Is there such a tool for Linux? If not, how cann I manage to install the

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