Re: Orca accessable web browser with orca

Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson wrote:
In my view, using GUI is a last resort, when console 
software doesn't work as well, such as with my bank, airline bookings and 
a couple of others.

I don't have a massively strong view on this, beyond the fact that the
world seems large enough to accommodate both text console interfaces
made accessible and graphical user interfaces made accessible. Neither
is particularly tailored to entirely blind users, for whom interfaces
designed to be essentially aural and tactile are (I presume) most
intrinsically suitable. On the other hand, using a program that is
shared by others with differing abilities has its own potential rewards.

However, the whole issue of console versus X is something for blinux. I'm 
currently getting my thoughts together to start a discussion there.

Sounds like an interesting discussion which I'd like to follow, but as
far as I can tell from the blinux homepage, the blinux lists have been
dead since sometime in 2004:

Is there another blinux list somewhere?

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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