Re: [orca-list] Orca's naming of characters, how to correct them

Hi Michael:

As Joanie mentions, we're currently working on the character naming
stuff, providing better direction for translators to handle localized
names for characters.  

In the meantime, if you want to modify the dictionary yourself, you can
do so without needing to modify the Orca code.  To do this today, you
can edit your ~/.orca/ (create it if needed)
similar to the following:

import orca.chnames
orca.chnames.__chnames["#"] = "octothorpe"
orca.chnames.__chnames["."] = "full stop"

Currently, both strings are UTF-8 strings, but we plan on making the
string in the braces (e.g., the ["#"] above) a Python unicode string.
For most cases, you won't have to worry and can just type the character;
we'll use unicode syntax only when it comes to characters that are
difficult to express in source code (e.g., "u\'u2023'" for "triangular

Keep in mind that this is volatile territory right now, so things will
be changing soon.  One change we probably should (and most likely will)
make is to change the name of __chnames to a more 'public' name.

Hope this helps,


On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 00:05 +0100, Michael Whapples wrote:
Its been one thing that has bugged me from the beginning of using orca,
it refers to the hash/number symbol (#) as pound. This is so wrong, I
haven't found it in any other screen reader, synthesiser, and its just
not correct (I live in the UK, that's certainly not the pounds sign). I
either accept hash or number for it as both of these are fairly commonly
used names for it, so can this be fixed, or if you don't want to fix it
in orca, where can I fix it in my copy?

Sorry may be I am being a bit harsh about it, but it is something which
really stands out. On a similar note, there are some symbols not known
by orca, so these could do with being added, but as some of them may be
country specific, or users may have there own preference for a name for
it (eg.  and  are not spoken by orca (if I have all my character sets
done correct on this ubuntu machine, the second of those examples is the
pounds sign)), so a user configuration system for the naming of symbols
might be good.

Michael Whapples
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