Re: [PATCH] Do not skip wifi slave connections


2017-05-18 12:22 GMT-04:00 Beniamino Galvani <bgalvani redhat com>:
On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 11:42:47AM -0400, Nikolay Martynov wrote:
Just to clarify: this patch only affects wifi bonded connections.
'Classic' ethernet bond slaves are still skipped - so this change
should not affect existing users.
I think the intention of original patch was to hide ethernet ones.
The problem with wifi slaves is that they are not hidden since they
actually come from scan results - they still pop up in the list of
available APs. And this is the good thing - this means I can connect
and disconnect wifi bond slave at will from the applet.
So, with this in mind - could you please clarify why you think this is
not the right thing to do so I could try to address that? :)

Since wifi slave connection are displayed only if the matching SSID is
found, and they don't waste space in the menu because they are grouped
in the AP submenu, I think it's ok to display them.

On the other hand, you still wouldn't be able to control the bond and
the ethernet slave from the applet, so I wonder if this is really
  As I've sort of tried to explain in comment to the patch:
  * Before this patch clicking on AP that is bond slave makes NM
create new connection for that AP name (i.e. it asks for secrets and
everything) - this is not what user would normally want because he
already has this SSID configured as bond slave
  * With this patch clicking same AP actually establishes bond slave
connection that was configured before and doesn't create a new one.
  From this perspective this is actually useful.

Anyway, the patch LGTM.


Martynov Nikolay.
Email: mar kolya gmail com

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