Re: Mobile broadband connects to wrong USB device

Patryk Zawadzki wrote:
On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Rick Jones <rick activeservice co uk> wrote:
--On Tuesday, January 06, 2009 18:03:53 +1100 Ben <ben benjamin it> wrote:

I guess some things are not meant to be. It would be nice if the init
string was not hard coded =)
I agree completely. I too have posted about problems with the init string. I
think it's wildly optimistic to assume that you can hard-code an init string
that will work with all the modems out there, including ones to be produced
in future.

Actually the ones to be produced in the future are guaranteed to be in
a much better shape than those in the past.

i understand that NM is trying to avoid presenting the user with nasty
technical configuration issues, but there are already many "technical"
conifigs available in the connection-setting dialogs. Most users probably
don't fully understand these either, but they are of course necessary in
order to be able to make connections work in all circumstances. The defaults
work in most cases, but can be tweaked - usually with help - if required. My
view is the modem init string falls into this category.

Allowing one to edit the init string is a security threat similar to
allowing users to provide custom firmware.

Other than that there seem to be only two differences between devices
reported so far. One is the initial echo state which is insignificant,
the second one is whether the device supports ATZ or requires AT&F +

why not putting init strings able to be changed in gconf registry for example, only the advanced user will touch these parameters.

to solve some problems , why not create a dummy class adapter, this adapter should be held by network manager but his comportement completely scriptable linkable to wvdial and other advanced scriptable linux connection tools : waking up , creating a ppp interface for example, initializing a modem...

this could solve the problems with pidgin firefox and all other stuff always waiting for network manager if you use bluetooth connection with wvdial for example... (I waiting with impatience the bluetooth coming to NM.)

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