Re: more than one default gw route

My situation is less complicated.

I have a laptop and a desktop. the laptop is connected only to
wireless, but the desktop is connected also to wired and wireless.
I have 2 routers placed in different rooms: I can't reach the wireless
router with network cables, and I can't move the wireless router near
the cables
if I want all my rooms to be served by the wireless signal.

When the laptop is off, and I use the desktop, the wired router is on,
and the wireless router is off (I don't want to use wireless if I can
use wired).
But when I need also my laptop, I switch on also the wireless routed,
and the wired router loses the ADSL connection (which of course is
taken by
the wireless router).
When this happens, the default gatway of my desktop pc is still set up
to the wired router, even if it connects also to the wireless router.
So the only thing I can do to get connected is either to unplug the
cable or to switch off the wired router.

This shouldn't be necessary

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