Re: A belated question about 0.7

On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 09:16 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> I thought that one of the capabilities of NM-0.7.. was to be able to
> bring up the network globally on the machine instead of having to loin
> as a user, Did that happen and I missed it.
> If that can be dons , how?

It happens, it's done through system settings.  The system settings
service has plugins which provide system-level configuration to
NetworkManager.  Each distro has one to convert their (usually
read-only) file formats (like ifcfg or /etc/network/interfaces) to NM
Connections, but due to the limitations of some of these legacy formats,
they might not support all types of connections.

There's the 'keyfile' plugin that supports all types of connections and
provides both read and writability.  On Fedora for the moment we only
enable the ifcfg-fedora plugin to provide your normal ifcfg files to
NetworkManager, but we don't enable the keyfile plugin yet since there
are a few issues to sort out when more than one plugin is enabled.


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