Re: [REQ] Adding support for simultaneous wireless networks

This is not a standard use case. The fact is most consumers would have
the wireless printer connected to their wifi network. I myself have a
wireless printer and it connects to my wifi network, where I just access
it like a standard network printer.

I'm a little confused on exactly why you are connecting to your printer
via ad-hoc mode, unless you do not have a wifi access point. To which
once you did get one, you need to connect the printer to the access

The only common case for this connecting to a printer wirelessly
directly is via bluetooth, but this is handled by bluez and not
network-manager. Also devices that do support it, handle this easily.

Supporting something like this actually confuses users. How do you know
which connection to get to the internet from ? .. it makes little
since ...

On Mon, 2008-10-27 at 00:53 -0600, Brent Newland wrote:
> I work at a retail store selling computers, and I can tell you that
> all the printer manufacturer's seem to be going wireless. Out of the
> latest selection of HP and Canon printers we carry, nearly all of the
> consumer level machines have built in wireless.
> Alot of people expect to be able to connect to the internet (whether
> it's through a wireless network, a cell phone card, a cable) and also
> be able to connect to their printer at the same time to print
> wirelessly, but that's not currently an easy thing to configure.
> What's even worse is if you want to connect to a wireless network while being connected to a wireless printer in ad-hoc mode. Currently, to do this you would have to use airtun-ng (this is the only program I've found which does this):
> That'll let you connect to two wireless networks as long as they are on the same channel.
> I think that these would both be excellent features to have (connect to two wireless networks with one card to load balance/access resources on both networks - useful for copying between networks as well - and easily setting up an ad-hoc connection to a printer with another connection as the primary; all via the networkmanager GUI, of course). I'm sure that in the near future there will be a lot more questions like these across the different distros.
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