Suggestion for Network Applet

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I have a suggestion to make to help make networking easier. I have found that on a wired network sometimes things dont work flawlessly.

An example: the router/switch/network-cable may not be active or plugged in when the computer starts up, or may disconnect etc. What happens is that the computer does not always seek out to obtain a IP address from the router when this problem is fixed.

My suggestion: Include a button in NetWorkManager Applet called something like "Refresh" to call the command dhclient or similar when pressed to obtain a new IP. It might be a little more complicated that this - but thats just the concept behind what I would like, a manual network refesh button in the networking options.

A few things that would have to be worked out if this was put in:
Is this something that can easily be done?
Is it possible for the applet to call dhclient or does something further have to be written into the applet to include this functionality, if not dhclient then what are the alternatives?
Where will the button go (one for each network interface)?

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