Re: NetworkManager and applet 0.6.5 Released

dragoran dragoran wrote:
On 4/20/07, Christopher Aillon <caillon redhat com> wrote:

Hey all,

It's been a while since we've had NM releases and after talking with
Dan, I just made a release of 0.6.5 based on the 0.6 branch.

Downloads are available at:

Thanks to all who contributed to this release!

what about this issues?

We should fix them, but as near I can tell, the issues were present in 0.6.4 and distros are currently shipping various points on the svn branch to get other important fixes from the past 9 months of work on the branch.

The plan is to do 0.6.6, and the plan is to _not_ wait another 9 months to do another release next time.

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