Re: PPTP Plugin Updated -- Ver. 0.6.9 Generally PPP capable?

Hi Dan,

> > Here's the ideal NM situation.
> > Users will need to pre-pair and preconfigure their BT devices for use
> > with NM.  We'll likely include an application that will allow users to
> > scan for and select a BT device, pair with it, and set up the
> > carrier-specific GSM/CDMA settings for the dialup connection.
> >   
> Ok so this all exists in the current PPP plugin... Well, barring the
> ability to select the device from a list - I think the BlueZ Dbus API
> will be the way forward there if only to avoid having to compile
> against the BlueZ libs. But this is a minor detail.

you don't have to compile against the BlueZ library. That was our whole
point behind the BlueZ D-Bus interface.

> > Once the BT device is set up and known to NetworkManager, NM will
> > periodically request scans from BlueZ much like it does for wireless
> > networks from wpa_supplicant now. 
> >   
> Scanning may or may not be the way forward.  We'll have to see what
> comes out in the wash with that.  For the moment, provided the necessary
> logical bit to enable/disable connections (by some abstract criteria) is 
> in place,
> we may simply use more liberal criteria.  For Bluetooth connections the 
> presence
> of an hci device would suffice for example. 

You also get signals for plug/unplug events for the Bluetooth adapters
from the BlueZ D-Bus API.

> All that stuff can be done at present with relatively few calls to the
> BlueZ libs directly or via libbtctl. So I imagine the DBUS code whether
> it's in BlueZ directly or via HAL will be equally slick.

Use D-Bus methods and signals. No need to link libbtctl or libbluetooth
at all.



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