Re: stop NMI from automatic router switching

On Tue, 6 Jun 2006, Russell Harrison wrote:

How hard would it be to right click on a network and have it show a menu
"Always connect to this network" / "Never connect to this network"?  I'm
pretty sure someone has suggested this or something like it before.  The
arguments against it get weaker every time someone new asks.  Its clearly a
needed feature the real question is what is the most intuitive way to
implement it.

Hear!  Hear!  (as one who has suggested it several times...;-)

Some sort of white/blacklist.  In fact, I think it is really time for a
"manage networks" panel that comes up instead of the two create/connect
buttons (that are the same as far as I can tell) -- something to really
let one groom the networks (wired and wireless), activate e.g. nfs
mounts conditional upon the network one is connected to, kill off all
the ESSIDs of my neighbors' networks so they only appear in the manage
networks interface (marked off) and so on.

Networking is just too complex a space to be handled completely
automagically.  The best you can do is encapsulate the complexity to
help the otherwise ignorant to manage it, at least to a point.


On 6/5/06, Aaron New <aaronnewster gmail com> wrote:

NetworkManagerInfo keeps swritching to a wireless router that I do not
want to be using.  When I specify the preferable router, NMI will swirtch
briefly, but will immediately revert back to the original router.   I would
appreciate any tips on how to prevent NMI from doing this.  If I am
overlooking a simple solution, I apologize in advance for asking a boring
newbie question.

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Robert G. Brown	             
Duke University Dept. of Physics, Box 90305
Durham, N.C. 27708-0305
Phone: 1-919-660-2567  Fax: 919-660-2525     email:rgb phy duke edu

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