2008-September Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
"file:///" chars in string after ^c,
Ivan Zorin
branch for 2.24,
Frederic Peters
Possible speed enhancement,
John Bester
Nautilus' FM-props Emblem tab improvements,
Milosz Derezynski
[patch] [bug 552682] use gtkcellrenderepixbuf's gicon support,
Christian Persch
license-requirements for patches to Nautilus?,
Joshua Judson Rosen
=?WINDOWS-1252?Q?Re:_[PATCH]_Bug_171655_=96_add_support_for?= =?WINDOWS-1252?Q?_XDS_(Direct_Save_protocol)_to_list_view?=,
Giacomo Bordiga
Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
Johannes Bauer
- Message not available
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
Johannes Bauer
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
Johannes Bauer
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
Johannes Bauer
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
Johannes Bauer
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
Johannes Bauer
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
- Message not available
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
Johannes Bauer
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Nautilus closing and restarting unexpectedly,
Dimitri Benin
No persistent link on the desktop with GNOME2.22?,
minqiang wu
How the save the mapped remote folders after logout.,
Vincent Guo
libnautilus-extension bindings,
How to check the current version of Gnome with source code or shell?,
Vincent Guo
How to build one bin file using two versions of Gnome?,
Vincent Guo
Re: nautilus-list Digest, Vol 53, Issue 7,
Vincent Guo
Geoff Kaniuk
Re: Undefined references to glib-functions when compiling nautilus,
Nautilus 2.22.3 Bug,
remove "Link to" in front of symbolic links created by Nautilus,
[PATCH] Don't set r/o permissions when copying from r/o locations,
Unable to unmout the mount point in Fedora 9,
Vincent Guo
Re: Specifying thumbnailers as a service,
Philip Van Hoof
Mail converted by MHonArc