Re: [Muine] Gtk# 2.8?

On Thu, 2006-09-07 at 18:38 -0700, Tamara wrote:
> Currently, Muine depends on Gtk# 2.4.  A couple weeks ago, Gtk# 2.10 was
> released so it's been a little while since we've bumped up our
> requirements.
> Debian is generally the slowest of the bunch so we can usually judge by
> them whether or not to bump up our requirements.  Debian testing and
> unstable have Gtk# 2.8 but the backport to Debian stable is only at Gtk#
> 2.4.
> Debian testing (etch) is supposed to be released as stable (4.0!) by the
> end of the year.  That's another four months away.  Should we just wait
> until etch is released or should we bump up our version requirements
> now?

I think Debian stable is a good baseline for server applications, but
for desktop apps you're probably safe follow pretty close to the cutting
edge.  I've got Gtk# 2.8 now on Ubuntu Dapper, so I don't mind.

Matt Good <matt matt-good net>

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