
I think hildon should be forked and made into the official Gnome Mobile OS. If you look at it, it's literally identical to Gnome-Shell 3. <a href="" href="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2469/3907797940_d3838f9bb7_o.png">http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2469/3907797940_d3838f9bb7_o.png"> here's </a> a screenshot. The overlay of all open apps is exactly identical, just like GS3 you switch between applications and windows, in fact in terms of the "dashboard", the only thing different is one positive and one negative. The positive is context-sensitive dash, in GS3 if you go to the dash and have no windows open, it still takes you to the window selection screen for no reason, whereas in Hildon this is context sensitive ie if you have a window open you see windows if you don't you see applications. The title bar is the same except for size and spacing obviously. Just the entire interface is exactly like GS3. Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au_uRmoy8Fs

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