Re: Proposals...


On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Nils Faerber
<nils faerber kernelconcepts de> wrote:
> Hmm... it is now more or a less a month after the session at LFCS.
> So far I did not receive any feedback on the below nor did our web
> frontpage change in any respect.
> I even volunteered to do some of the work described.
> So are there any concerns about it?
> Is it generally not welcome? Are the ideas bad?
> Did I miss anything?

I think your ideas are sane and a step in the right direction.
Getting some media attention to real GNOME Mobile development (as
opposed to hype) is absolutely necessary for a software stack to
succeed in the mobile space.

> I am a little bit concerned and frankly frustrated about the lack of
> feedback.
> Is it reluctance? Being afraid? Ignorance?

I for one simply don't know enough about GNOME Mobile to say much.
There seems to be development that goes on concerning GNOME Mobile,
but since it is not advertised and not explained very well then I only
know what I know, and that mostly comes from some light development of
embedded ARM distros using OpenEmbedded (the best example of real-life
GNOME Mobile usage in my limited opinion).

No one can tell you what they don't know.  What is needed is for the
developers of any component they consider to be "mobile" to step up
and announce themselves.  This list would be a good place to start.

Going back to the OpenEmbedded mention, perhaps the OE community
(Poky, Angstrom, etc) can be asked to generate some fanfare or at
least some hyperlinks to as advertisement.  This can
be asked of other players like Moblin and Maemo as well.  We need to
show that real projects use this stuff.

All of the above projects use GM to some extent, but that leads your
point below:

> From the talks I had with some participants after the session I had the
> impresison that there is interest but that the fuzzyness of the project
> also results in hesitation to speak up.
> So, maybe this helps:
>        I do not know it either!
>        But I am willing to improve the situation :)

Good point!  Is it simply a reduced-size GNOME Desktop with a few
rewritten components to accommodate restricted resources (ie,
eds-dbus, matchbox wm) or does it include new ways of doing core
things (ie, hildon) and does it even include a suite of apps (ie,

> So come on, all subscribed!
> Be a little more active and responsive, come out of your cave. You won't
> be hit with tons of work - at least not at once ;)
> There is primarily a huge interest in opinions and views.
> Let's share them!



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