Mobile track at Gran Canaria Desktop Summit?

[Intentionally cross-posting to GMAE, GUADEC and GCDS]

Hi all,

As seen in previous editions of both GUADEC and Akademy, there has
been growing interest in presentations focused on mobile/embedded
environments. In fact, I've even presented a talk during GUADEC in
2007 covering the experience of porting GNOME apps to the Maemo

I've done a quick search around and haven't found any specific
discussion on this subject yet. The GCDS schedule doesn't cover it
neither. So, is there a chance for a "mobile track" or even having
presentations focused on the mobile and embedded platforms in GCDS?

Best regards, Etrunko.

Eduardo de Barros Lima
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
eblima gmail com

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