[gnome.org #14764] AutoReply: Application received from Srinivasa Ragavan (sragavan AT gmail.com)


This message has been automatically generated in response to the
creation of a support ticket call:

        "Application received from Srinivasa Ragavan (sragavan AT gmail.com)",

a summary of which appears below.

There is no need to reply to this message right now. Your ticket has been
assigned an ID of [gnome.org #14764]. Please include this string
in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. You may
also catch us on irc (irc.gnome.org) in #sysadmin. Statistics about the 
various RT queues can be found at https://rt.gnome.org/stats.

                        membership-applications gnome org

Contact Information

Full Name: Srinivasa Ragavan
Email:     sragavan AT gmail.com

Mail alias: Yes
Mail alias username: sragavan gnome org
Jabber Account: No

Contributions Summary:
* Im part of the 2014 GUADEC travel-invitation-committee and I gave invitation to everyone required. Checking 
their credentials, writing documents, getting them signed and sending back to the people if they are 
approved. Asking for approvals from the board, if required.
* https://github.com/sragavan/e-mail-factory - A email dameon that I have been working on last year to do the 
demo, I even submitted a paper that got approved for 2014 GUADEC, but I couldn't travel and I would be doing 
it this year.
* I usually hang out on #evolution channel and help out occasionally for bugs/dev issues in and around 

marinaz redhat com
muelli cryptobitch de

[Application received at Sun Feb 1 18:56:43 2015 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully 

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