Re: [ #1914] Application received from Parthasarathi Susarla (ajaysusarla AT


On Mon, 2006-11-06 at 15:07 -0500, Baris Cicek via RT wrote:
Dear Srinivasa and Sankar,

The GNOME foundation membership committee needs more information to
process the application of Parthasarathi Susarla. Since [he/she] has listed
you as the primary contact, the committee would like you to list the
contributions that Parthasarathi Susarla has made for the GNOME
community in recent times. Your input will be greatly appreciated to
help us to make
a fair and informed decision in the granting or denying the applicant as
a foundation member.

Parthasarathi Susarla is very well known in the GNOME community. He used
to be the maintainer of Evolution Mail module. His contributions to the
GNOME community is immense. 

Partha is one of the initial implementers of the GroupWise provider of
the Evolution. 

Partha has done an excellent job in maintaining the Plugins framework of
Evolution. He is responsible for writing/reviewing many plugins in the

In the past, for a considerable time, Partha was reviewing patches from
the community members, single-handed, for the Evolution mailer module.

Partha has interacted with the KDE people and made some excellent
proposal for sharing application-data across GNOME Evolution and KMail.
His proposal is still considered to be one of the best made proposals
for the performance of Evolution. 

Partha has an unquenchable technical quest and is always looking forward
to implement new things so that the GNOME platform (specifically
Evolution) is more usable. Partha is the sole-implementer of the
Evolution-Claws, where many of the design holes of Evolution are
addressed. He is working hard to improve the quality of Evolution-Claws.

Partha's has contributed to the community in non-technical ways too. He
is a regular member of the FOSS meetings in India. Partha has actively
advocated for GNOME and has convinced and created many sucessful GNOME
hackers in the student community of India. 

I, myself has started to work in GNOME, inspired by a few GNOME hackers
and Partha being one of the prominent people.

Partha is very well known to solve issues amicably whenever there are
conflicts of interests across hackers; without affecting anyone's
self-respect. (I would rather avoid details for this point)

Over all, Partha has done some wonderful things for the GNOME community
and it will be very appreciative if he is made a Foundation Member. I
support him whole-hearted for this.

-- Sankar

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