Re: Announce of the start of the referendum and website update

On Mon, October 17, 2005 21:58, Baris Cicek wrote:
I'll update it now.

I've updated the website. I also created a section for the 2005 elections.

Things to do on the website, if someone has time:
 * create an ical file containing the timeline of the elections and of
   the referendum
 * add a news about the referendum on the website
 * come with a list of voters (I'll update the list once most of the
   unprocessed applications will be processed)

So, for the referendum, we're nearly ready. TODO list is now:
 * finish website
 * finish processing all applications
 * send the mail announce
 * install the anonymous voting system
 * write instructions explaining how to vote for the mail we'll send
   to all members
 * hope there's no bug in the anonymous voting system ;-)


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