Re: GNOME Membership Application of Bob Kashani

As the former GARNOME maintainer, I can say that Bob was invaluable to
me as a sounding board, sanity break and anything else you'd care to
name -- he was involved in some way since jdub was maintainer (2003 is
the earliest recorded message I have for him), but really stepped up to
the plate when it was indicated that I was no longer able to continue as

He has spearheaded GARNOME's recent re-push into GNOME's CVS, and was
formally instrumental in producing patches that helped GARNOME's
cross-compatibility under Fedora/RHEL-esque distributions, in addition,
he is well-versed and very patient when dealing with users and is one
hell of a good documentation writer to boot.

I'm putting up as many fingers as I can lift for him (one) -- he's
exactly the kind of member the GNOME community needs now, and in the

There should be no question regarding his membership, IMHO.


On Fri, 2005-12-23 at 12:59 +0530, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:
Dear Paul, Elijah, Jeff, Murray

The GNOME foundation membership committee needs more informations to
process the application of Bob Kashani. Since you have been
listed as the primary contacts, the committee would like you to list the
contributions that Bob Kashani has made for the GNOME community
in recent times.  Your input will be greatly appreciated to help us to
make a fair and informed decision in the granting or denying the
applicant as a foundation member.

At your service,

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

  Barış Çiçek <baris teamforce name tr>
  Albert Mora <jarashi telefonica net>
  Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <sankarshan randomink org>
  Eddy Mulyono <eddymulyono mail com>
  Vincent Untz <vincent vuntz net>

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