Application received from Ross Golder (ross golder org)

Contact Information:
Name: Ross Golder
E-mail: ross golder org nickname (if any): ninja username (if any): rossg

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

gtranslator maintainer, Thai language translator, general patch contributor, GNOME evangelist. GNOME list 
moderator (orbit-list, gnome-components-list). Applicant for gnome-sysadmin list and tasks.

Detailed description:
Finished off porting gtranslator to GNOME2 platform, as Fatih has been too busy, and have taken on all the 
outstanding gtranslator bugzilla reports and feature requests (including better support for plural forms - 
which will be req'd for GNOME 2.5). Have started helping the Thai translation team (currently consisting of 
only one other person, who is too busy to contribute right now). I have previously contributed and committed 
minor bugfix patches for various GNOME projects (since about 1.2), been an active full-time user since before 
version 1.0, and been an active participant in #gnome for the last four or five years, and helped a few 
people switch from Windows to GNOME. I made it to GUADEC in Paris (2000), and in Dublin (2003). I generally 
help out wherever I can, whenever I have time.

Admittedly, I've been very busy with paid work, and connectivity here in Thailand is a bit sporadic, so I 
haven't been able to do too much recently. However, I've stayed up-to-date with goings on in the GNOME world, 
and my responsibilities as lists moderator and gtranslator maintainer. I've also applied to gnome-sysadmin 
list to help out with sysadmin tasks for the services (particularly mailman).

As a sidenote, I've also just started a Thai company, which will help to promote and support Linux/GNOME on 
the desktop in Thailand as a viable alternative to Windows (evangelism!). I'm hoping that (eventually) this 
company will be in a position to make regular financial contributions to the GNOME foundation, to ensure that 
the more full-time developers get what they deserve, and that GUADECs continue to happen.

Fatih Demir <kabalak kabalak net> (gtranslator maintainer)
Jim Cape <jcape ignore-your tv> (gnomechat/libgnetwork)
Michael Meeks <michael ximian com> (GNOME lists)
Others know me (esp on IRC), even if they don't know of my contributions.

Other comments:
I was declined last time I applied for GNOME membership. So just how much do I have to contribute to be 
considered 'a significant contributor'? How many other members have non-GNOME related full-time jobs, and 
still manage to be 'significant contributors'?! ;^) I do my best - seriously!

[Application received at Thu Oct 30 0:09:09 2003 (Eastern time)]

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