Re: [rant] mc in Ubuntu, unusable!

* /dev/rob0 <rob0 gmx co uk> wrote:


I know my Escape-X trick to get to my menus, so the keybindings are
not a showstopper. Esc-9, Configuration (they turned off the internal
edit, for goodness' sake, WHY??) Auto save setup is checked. Esc-9,
Layout, I drop off all the stuff I don't want to see, and what with
netbook screens being so small I dropped off the keybar and mini
status box. Esc 9, Confirmation, got to get rid of that Confirm Exit
thing. Oh, fire up the editor and get rid of Confirm Save too.

hmm, do you have a pointer to their patches ?

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service -
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