GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.2-pre1


I've prepared the fist pre-release of GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.2 . Please, download it and give it a try.

I've been waiting for several days to get access to so that
I can upload the pre-release there, but it seems like it's going to take a while. I am not willing to hold 
this pre-release any longer so I've uploaded it to my private web space - you can get it from there:

Once I have access to I'll upload there too. Alternatively, you
can fetch it from cvs - use the MC_4_6_2_pre1 tag.


P.S. The public key fingerprint is: 611B 04F9 776E E02B 4AA3  5192 140E C4C2 85DA C198
     The public key id is: 85DAC198

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