quick-view line-wrap bug.


In new version, when line-wrapping is enabled, there is an empty line
between two line-wrapped lines. Just see it yourself:

  Left     File     Command     Options     Right
+---------------------------++<- ...5x5-stochastyka -.[^]>+
|File: GEN-2mm_~-01.xml   5%||'n  Name   |Size |Modify tim|
|<Yade>                     ||/..        |--DIR|u 24 00:28|
|        <fileGenerator _cla||/ALL_GENs  | 4096|y  3 19:58|
|                           ||/obliczenia| 4096|u 31 15:08|
|ssName_="LatticeExample"  o|| GEN-2~.xml| 5296|p 29 21:50|
|                           || GEN-2~.xml| 5255|p 29 21:50|
|utputFileName="2mm_0.35%_me|| GEN-2~.xml| 5297|p 29 21:50|
|                           || GEN-2~.xml| 5256|u 15 10:49|
|dium-01.xml.bz2" serializat||*GEN-RUN.sh| 1040|u 24 00:23|
|                           ||*GEN_v~s.sh|  593|u 24 00:20|
|ionDynlib="XMLFormatManager||*to_NU~R.sh|   79|u 24 00:19|
|                           ||           |     |          |
|" speciemen_size_in_meters=||           |     |          |
|                           ||           |     |          |
|"{0.10000000000000001 0.100||           |     |          |
|                           ||           |     |          |
|00000000000001 0.1000000000||           |     |          |
|                           ||           |     |          |
|0000001}" cellsizeUnit_in_m||           |     |          |
|                           |+----------------------------+
|eters="0.002" minAngle_betw|| GEN-2mm_0.35%_medium-01.xml|
+---------------------------++------------ 29G/96G (30%) -+
 1Help  2Un~ap 3View  4Hex   5Line  6      7Se~ch 8Raw  

Frankly - I don't like this :)

Few more reports from me and I will create a trac account for
reporting or such.... I'd be glad if you don't force me to do so ;)

best regards
Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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